Monday, September 27, 2010

Things I Ate This Weekend

Bonjour, mes amours. I'm practicing French for my upcoming trip to Togo. That's right, I'm going to Africa this summer. Not officially yet, but I'm working on it. I only need roughly 2,000 dollhairs for a plane ticket, a Togolese visa, and proof of the Yellow Fever vaccine. I don't know why I'm including this news in this post, but it seems like a good time to share it.

Anyways, I ate some awesome stuff this weekend. From Thursday to Sunday, I babysat my cousins, Nick and Natalie, while my aunt and uncle were in Chicago. My dad came up to spend Friday night and Saturday with us, so I managed to eat some really good food at no cost to me. And then, Sunday was Hunter's birthday, so I had another delicious meal, though I had to pay for it.

So I know Becca and Alli are aware of it, but there is a food trailer in Austin called Hey Cupcake, which sells, you guessed it, crepes...I mean cupcakes. I ate the red velvet cupcake:


Natalie ate one called the Double Dose:

That would be chocolate cake with chocolate icing. She seemed to enjoy it. My dad has some photos with his fancy camera, which I'll put up here if he ever posts them to Flickr.

Finally, I took a crappy camera-phone-quality picture of what I ate for Hunter's birthday dinner. We went to a place called 24 Diner. It has one of my most favorite meals in the world:
Don't let the picture fool you. It is frickin tasty and comes with this maple bourbon butter that is like crack.

That's all for now. Gute Nacht (I'm also taking a class in German this semester...I'm trying real hard to be a polyglot). Love you all.


  1. Ummm, all of those pics look super yummy. Its really making want to try this chicken and waffles thing--seems like a weird combo to me, but it looks amazing. I'm gonna have to find a Roscoe's or something. Oh man, and all that frosting on the red velvet cupcake--I'm gonna have to make some for myself soon. Can we add Hey Cupcake to the list of places we eat at when I come home?

  2. PS: I'm really excited about this Africa thing. I hope you can really pull it off. But, aren't there like a ton more vaccines you would need besides just yellow fever (e.g., malaria, sleeping sickness...)? I hate shots so much, I'm pretty sure that would be enough to keep me out of that continent.

  3. Well the only vaccine I need for sure is the yellow fever one as a condition to enter the country. I've been doing some research into what I might want to take as a precaution, like malaria medicines, etc. I'm gonna ask Katy what she recommends. I know she got a whole slew of vaccines, but I doubt I need all of those, since I'll only be there a week or so (vs. 2 1/2 years).

  4. And yes the frosting was amazing. You know I normally don't like it, but it was really delicious. There should be no reason why we can't make it to Hey Cupcake when you visit. They're are two on the way to Lakeway, so we'd definitely pass one. You should actually start keeping a list of places you want to eat.

  5. You're trying to go to Africa?


  6. How did you not know? She's been planning this ever since Katy knew she would be placed in Africa....I'm sure that we've had this discussion??

  7. Hey--and what else did you get to eat while Dad was there? I need suggestions for my food list when I come home. Right now its Salt Lick (of course), anything Mexican, the donut place, and the cupcake place. Maybe I should add a gym to that list. Ha--yeah right, who am I kidding?

  8. The only other place we ate was an Argentinian place. I got a lomito beef sandwich, which was pretty delicious, though the service was spotty at best and when you order a coke, they give you a can of coke (that just ruins a restaurant for me).
