Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Mean Green Treat!

I think it was pretty well known that my roommate Shannon and I were in an organization on campus called Eagle Angels. Eagle Angels worked on game days, so in our first two years of college, we were not allowed to tailgate. Last year, Shannon and I both quit due to some mean girls, and have since moved on to bigger and better things: my second semester with Success for Life Through Reading, starting work with Communities in Schools, graduating early for my degree plan, and have I told anyone besides Rebecca I'm on a UNT sports team? Along with all of that... WE GET TO TAILGATE! Rebecca suggested making green cupcakes to bring with us, but not only would I have no way to carry them, this is Texas... it was 105° and frosting wouldn't have worked out too well. Shannon and I liked her idea, though, so we decided on making something a little less complicated... green rice krispie treats! I feel like rice krispie treats are a well known recipe, so I'm not going to go super in depth with this, but I will post the recipe at the bottom.

Our ingredients (minus the butter)

Beware of roommates stealing marshmallows.
Suck on that, Shannon!

"Tiny pillows of goodness" - Shannon

After 2 minutes in the microwave, before stirring... freaking awesome!

After the 3rd minute in the microwave, and 50 (yes, 50!) drops of food coloring

I really think I got an arm workout stirring that.
Marshmallow is STICKY!!

Smushed into the pan.
Now, when I say smushed, I REALLY mean smushed. We first tried spreading it out with a buttered spatula, but it definitely wasn't working for us, so we put our heads together and came up with a MacGyver solution: spray another piece of wax paper with Pam, lay on top, and smush it until it's an even layer that reaches into the corners. I don't want to toot my own horn, but it was a pretty genius idea.

We made two batches, which is really one box of Rice Krispies. We let them cool overnight and cut them into about 20 squares each in the morning. Shan took the responsibility of individually wrapping each square in cling wrap, while I sat back and put them in gallon ziploc bags. 

They were a HUGE hit! Everyone loved that they were SO green, in fact most mentioned the Lowes commercial with the two kids that recently got married and bought their first house. In the commercial they paint a room and the girl calls her dad and cries, "It's like really green!" Click here if you haven't seen the commercial (it's about 14 seconds in). 

All in all, our first tailgating experience was pretty awesome! We had a group of about 20 people to hang out with, and we got tons of free stuff. The game was pretty epic too. North Texas is generally known for their football skills (or lack-thereof), but the score was always neck-and-neck. We lost our quarterback in an ambulance (he's okay now) and the game (only by ONE point), but we were playing Rice, who has a much better record than we do, so everyone was still stoked. Unfortnately, my night ended kind of early because of dehydration (you're apparently supposed to drink water when you're in high temperatures... who knew?) So, after a cold shower I did homework, watched Richie Rich, and was in bed by midnight; it was FANTASTIC.

Even Lily was ready to go to tailgating!
Excuse the blue! They were supposed to be green, but did you know nylon doesn't hold dye well?


  1. Um, just realized I didn't post the recipe...

    1 bag of marshmallows
    6 cups of Rice Krispies
    3 tbs butter/margarine
    50 drops whatever color food coloring you want!

    Put marshmallows and butter in large microwavable bowl. Microwave for 3 minutes, stirring after 2.
    Stir the marshmallows and butter together, add 50 drops of food coloring (or don't for regular ones), and stir again.
    Pour in 6 cups of Rice Krispies. (It doesn't matter how fast or how many cps at a time unless you're a weakling like myself... Shannon did all 6 at once and my poor arm could barely take it)
    Dump the mixture into a Pammed and wax lined 9x13 baking pan. Coat another piece of wax paper and smush until even.

    Makes as many as you cut :)

  2. That pic of Shannon is really funny. I'm glad you guys made something green--but holy food coloring. I bet you were sweating green!! Gross...Anyhoo, glad you had a good time and got to enjoy the game for once!

  3. Haha, we weren't sweating green, but our tongues looked absolutely wicked!

  4. BTW--were you going to tell anyone which sport you joined?!

  5. Pretty fancy. You'll have to tell me more about this newfound athleticism.

  6. Also, did I mention that we beat Rice two weeks ago?
