Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Strawberry Lemonade... but not to drink!

I know this is probably one of, if not the only times there will be three updates in two days, but the excitement of the blog just made me want to bake! With Summer slowly, but surely ending, I thought there would be no better time to make cupcakes with one of my favorite Summer flavors: Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes.

I first found this recipe on Love and Olive Oil (a great cooking website that I think y'all would love, especially Rebecca), but reading through the instructions kind of scared me, so I googled an easier version. I came across Gimme Some Oven and found just what I was looking for: a recipe using a box mix! Because I've been wanting to make these for two years, I had to give this version a try, so today I went to the grocery store and bought the ingredients I needed.

Before mixing the ingredients... doesn't look too delicious.

After mixing... much better!

Someone took my cupcake liners. Oh well!

Fresh out of the oven!

Frosting! Yum!

The most trouble I had was with the frosting. After adding the vanilla, lemon juice, and strawberries to the creamed butter, it looked like it curdled. I almost threw it out, but decided against it and went on with the powdered sugar. Adding the sugar brought it back to a normal consistency with what can only be described as a miracle! The recipe called for 3-4 cups, but I only used 3. I thought that the frosting was a little gritty with even that much, but Shannon said it was perfect. Something else that concerned me with the frosting was that if I wasn't mixing it, it seemed to separate. Even now, when looking at the cupcakes I can almost see lines of butter. I don't know if that's because it was getting warm sitting out, or if I did something wrong. It still tastes amazing, so I'm not too worried!

Can you tell which were mine? Okay, okay, so it's an easy answer. Mine definitely didn't turn out as fancy shmancy as either of the professional bloggers' did, but I think they're pretty! Anyway, looks aren't everything... it's taste that matters, and they are FANTASTIC.

So, without further ado... the recipe I used.


  1. Ha, so funny. I was just looking at Love and Olive Oil today, as one of my friends (who happens to be an amazing cook) entered some drawing on there and I was curious as to what it was. I even clicked on the cupcakes topic and they actually talk about having similar problems with making the icing--and provide suggestions on how to improve it. But, to make you feel better, the person on the professional blog was the one who messed up the frosting and actually did have to throw it out. Looks like you recovered. They look delicious!

  2. I meant to ask you, Alli, how is that stand mixer working out?

  3. I haven't actually used it yet! Whenever I get the chance to, I'll let you know
